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Ship Yard

Welcome to the Ship Yard. Please feel free to browse our selection of ships, information and recourse. Don't forget that while the ship yard's contents are free to all those that enter we do appreciate any donations to help us keep the docking clamps active.

Artemis News!

What's latest in the Artemis community?

Armada 5

March 27th-29th
Hilton Garden Inn
700 Beta Drive
Mayfield Ohio

The Eastern Front has now formed a division.   Civilian Air Patrol, 1st Light Recon

The TSN are looking for people interested in joining their R&D department

Check out our ships

Enter the Ship Dock to see our selection

Helpful Resources

Check out our resource page to help you in making your very own MOD

The Community

Check out all the Artemis communities


Here you will find scripts that other community members have created

Artemis Mods

Check out the selection of Artemis mods!





Artemis Ship Yard

Thank you to all the artemis community for making this game so AMAZING - Davis Whitley